Out of This World DJ has a wide variety of wedding packages that provide the most customization for any size wedding. Take a look at our different setup options in the video below or take a look at our pricing brochure for more details.
To request a quote today fill out the form below or email [email protected].
Looking for more vendors?
If you are still on the search for other vendors from photographers to bakers and everything in-between follow the link below for a list of vendors that I have personally worked with or interacted with in the past. These professionals would all be a great addition to your wedding day!
Pssst..Take a Look at our Venue Discounts Here!
Looking for dance suggestions?
If you do a quick Google search you will easily find thousands of playlists and suggestions for first dance songs. For that reason I have compiled a list of first dance songs that I have actually used at weddings in the past. Take a listen and you might find the song of your dreams!